Qi Gong for Schools

Poppy runs workshops for schools which centre around correct posture, and show how important it is to Stand Tall as it affects not just the physical body, but how it affects one mentally and emotionally. She talks about non verbal communication, and shows children how we are broadcasting messages all the time, and how to be conscious of this and the message we are sending out.

These workshops are about empowering children, showing them how they can deal intelligently with stress in an increasingly stressful world. Using simple Qi Gong techniques she shows children how to lower anxiety and stress. These workshops are ideal for children about to sit exams, interviews or about to change or leave school. Poppy has 4 children of her own and has seen first hand the need for children to be able to deal with stress and anxiety, and is passionate about the message she is giving.

“Don’t underestimate how powerful these sessions are: my week is infinitely more efficient since I have started working with Poppy” T. Lewis